Regional House
Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
The direction of the Sisters of the Charity of Saint Charles Borromeo in Mexico has their center here. Some of the elder and sick sisters reside here together with those sisters who need rest and spiritual formation.
Novitiate House
Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
Religious life begins by entering the Novitiate. This time is mainly dedicated to spiritual and religious formation and radical maturity in the following of Jesus. This house was consciously chosen for this stage of Formation in order for the future sisters to live among the poorest of the poor in the so named “Cerro del Cuatro”, and so be closest to the needs of the people.
Asilo Mauro López - Nursing Home
Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
In 1974, this home for the elderly was founded by the Archdiocese of Guadalajara in order to serve mainly older men who otherwise would live alone.
Casa Hogar
Orphanage, Kindergarten, and Grammar School
Hildalgo del Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico
In 1953, as a request from Father Augustin Pelayo, the Borromean Sisters took charge of this home which was the first work in Mexico that was given to them. In 1969, Sister Climaca organized construction of the new Orphanage, Kindergarten, and Grammar School.
Asilo San Vicente - Nursing Home
Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico
In 1954, the Borromean Sisters began their mission of care to the sick and elderly in this Institution, and to this day has had the patronage of the “Dames of Saint Vincent de Paul”. Confident that God will always provide, this home can continue giving its services almost exclusively from the donations of many Mexican benefactors.
Clinica San Carlos - little Hospital
Norogachi, Chihuahua, Mexico
Since 1961 the Borromean Sisters have cared for the sick from the mestizo and indiginous peoples in the region of the Sierra Tarahumara and its environs.
This video in spanish language gives a better idea about the situation in which the poorest people live in Mexico, and the service Clinica San Carlos provides.
Casa del Niño
Minatitlán, Veracruz, Mexico
Since 1959 the Borromean Sisters work Kindergarten and Grammar School which carries the name of the foundress Laura Maria Castillo.
Asilo de Jesús - Nursing Home
Minatitlán, Veracruz, Mexico
In 1970, the Congregation built a home for the elderly, for the poorest of this city who had no human or financial aid and therefore would have spent their final years in the streets.
Asilo San Juan Diego - Nursing Home
Delicias, Chihuahua, Mexico
Since 2006, the Borromean Sisters collaborated with this home for the elderly in this city.